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Get token status

Use this API call to get token status. The flow is described in the illustration below.

Get token status flow

Endpoint and method​

Method: GET


Response parameters​

Parameter nameData typeDescription
expmonthIntegerThe expiry month of the cryptogram. Formatted as N2 (e.g. 11).
expyearIntegerThe expiry year of the cryptogram. Formatted as N4 (e.g. 2099).
tokenStringThe major scheme network token generated. Please refer to “Create Token” for details about this field.
statusStringStatus of the token. It can be of “ACTIVE” or “INACTIVE”.
schemeStringThe card scheme of the token. It can be of “visa”, “mastercard” or “testscheme”.
tokenidStringThe unique Cardtoken reference of the token.

Example response​

"expmonth": 2,
"expyear": 2028,
"token": "4492697777715235",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"tokenid": "529d7cb6a75e4bab8d71eb09dcd489e0",
"scheme": "visa"