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Card update notification

When a change is made to a card from the scheme network, a notification is transmitted. Changes in a token can be if the card is updated (issued a new card) or the card is deleted.

Card update notification

Endpoint and method

Method: POST



Payload for the notification is encrypted using RSA public / private key encryption.


Cardtokens expects to receive a HTTP 200 status code when transmitting the notification. If the notification fails Cardtokens will retry the notification up to 24 times with 1 hour interval.

Payload parameters

panidStringA unique reference to the PAN stored in the watchlist.
statusStringA: Account number change message.
C: Closed account advice.
E: Expiration date change.
N: Non-participating BIN.
Q: Contact cardholder advice.
O: Cardholder Opt-Out.
P: Participating BIN, no match.
V: Match made, account number and expiration date unchanged.
schemeStringCan be one of “visa”, “mastercard”.
oldpanStringThe old PAN subscribed to the watchlist.
oldexpmonthStringThe old PAN expiry month, which was added to the watchlist.
oldexpyearStringThe old PAN expiry year, which was added to the watchlist.
newpanStringIf a new PAN was present.
newexpmonthStringIf a new expiry month was present. Formatted MM.
newexpyearStringIf a new expyear was present. Formatted YYYY.

Example encrypted payload


Example decrypted payload

"panid": "901c439afd404f5396e1f3fdf66b1d6f",
"status": "E",
"scheme": "visa",
"oldpan": "4571233011221122",
"oldexpmonth": "01",
"oldexpyear": "2096",
"newpan": "4571233011221121",
"newexpmonth": "02",
"newexpyear": "2097",
"customreference": "abcd-efgh-1234-5678"