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Payload encryption - MLE

In order to enhance the security level of sensitive CHD information Cardtokens requires private-/public key RSA encryption of the payload to and from Cardtokens. This is also called Message Level Encryption (MLE). The payload is encrypted in the following scenarios:

  • When request payload is transmitted from the client to Cardtokens
  • When response is received from Cardtokens to the client.
  • When notifications are transmitted from Cardtokens to the client.

That means that all communication from the client to Cardtokens must be encrypted using a public key issued by Cardtokens. The content can then be decrypted by Cardtokens using the private key.

That also means that all communications from Cardtokens to the client is encrypted using a public key issued by the client, which can be decrypted by the private key generated.

Generation of the keys

To generate a RSA private and public key openssl can be used by the following commands.

Create private key for communication from Cardtokens to the client

This private key is used to decrypt data received from Cardtokens.

openssl genrsa -out private-key.pem 4096

Create public key for communication from Cardtokens to the client

This public key must be sent to Cardtokens, which will encrypt all data transmitted to the client using this public key.

openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem

Encryption algorithm

The payload is encrypted using RSA and the padding scheme from PKCS #1 v1.5

Response formatting

The complete response when receiving encrypted data from Cardtokens is formatted as JSON. The encrypted data is placed in the parameter named “encdata”. The parameter contains the encrypted JSON response base64 formatted. That means the encdata parameter must be base64 decoded before decryption is made.

Encrypt example

In order to encrypt a file using the public key, which can be decrypted using the private key:

openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey public-key.pem -pubin -in plain-text.txt -out encrypted-content.enc

Steps for encrypting

  1. Transform the JSON object to a JSON string
  2. Encrypt the JSON string using the public key
  3. Encode the binary encrypted string to base64
  4. Create a new JSON object with a single root attribute only named “encdata”
  5. Set the value to encdata to the base64 encoded string, which contains the encrypted payload.
  6. Send the JSON request to Cardtokens.

Decrypt example

If the encdata is base64 decoded and stored in a fiale named encrypteddata.bin, the data is decrypted using the private key pem formatted as:

openssl rsautl -decrypt -inkey private-key.pem -in encrypteddata.bin

Steps for decrypting

  1. Past the JSON payload
  2. Locate the parameter named “encdata” in the response / payload.
  3. Base64 decode the encdata parameter value.
  4. Decrypt the base64 decoded data using the private key
  5. Parse the decrypted JSON data
  6. Process the decrypted parameters.

Example encrypted payload

The example below shows how the JSON request is formatted using the encrypted payload:


Example of decrypted payload

The example below shows what the encrypted payload looks like when the encdata value is decrypted.

"pan": "4571233011221122",
"expmonth": "01",
"expyear": "2096",
"merchantid": "361ec97b904d406d90d2df47e2f5f955"

Key exchange

The public RSA key is handed over to Cardtokens by secure transmission using PGP. Send the key encrypted to CTO:

The public key needs to be encrypted using the following PGP key:

Comment: User-ID: Thomas Knudsen
Comment: Created: 21/09/2022 09.19
Comment: Expires: 21/09/2024 12.00
Comment: Type: 255-bit EdDSA (secret key available)
Comment: Usage: Signing, Encryption, Certifying User-Ids
Comment: Fingerprint: 9475015A4B311E92584A76CC3FE2678B6F23527A