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Subscribe PANS to watchlist

This API call is used to add a list of PANs to the watchlist. Please notice that when validating a list of PANs, the validation is made asynchronous. The reply is made by notification by those PANs. The flow is defined by the illustration below.

Subscribe PAN

When a PAN is added to the watchlist, the PAN is validated within 24 hours. If the PAN is invalid or already updated by another PAN, an async notification is triggered to the Integrator.

In the response, a unique identifier (named panid) is returned for each PAN. This reference must be stored locally at the Integrator with reference to the PAN, as this will be the reference to the PAN for notification and unsubscribe calls.

Endpoint and method​

Method: POST


Request parameters​

pansArrayRequired. List of PANs to add to the watchlist.
pans[…].panStringRequired. The PAN to validate.
pans[…].expmonthStringRequired. The expiry month of the card. Formatted as MM.
pans[…].expyearStringRequired. The expiry year of the card. Formatted as YYYY.
pans[…].customreferenceStringOptional. Unique reference to the pan from own system. Maxlength is 64 bytes.
merchantidStringRequired. The unique reference to the merchant in the Cardtokens system.

Response parameters​

pansArrayThe list of pans added to the watchlist.
pans[…].panStringThe PAN added to the list.
pans[…].panidStringA unique reference to the PAN stored in the watchlist.
pans[…].statusStringIf the pan is added to the watchlist.
1: Added.
0: Failed.
2: Already exists (duplicate).
pans[…].customreferenceStringCustom reference to the pan from own system.

Example requests​

"pans": [
"pan": "4571233011221122",
"expmonth": "01",
"expyear": "2096"
"pan": "4571233011221121",
"expmonth": "02",
"expyear": "2095",
"customreference": "abcd-efgh-1234-5678"
"merchantid": "361ec97b904d406d90d2df47e2f5f955"

Example encrypted response​


Example decrypted response​

"pans": [
"pan": "4571233011221122",
"panid": "901c439afd404f5396e1f3fdf66b1d6f",
"status": "1"
"pan": "4571233011221121",
"panid": "901c439afd404f5396e1f3fdf66b1d6f",
"status": "1",
"customreference": "abcd-efgh-1234-5678"